Gandhi Quiz In English

Gandhi Quiz 

Gandhi was born on?

1869 October 2

 Where was Gandhi born?


 Who was the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi ji?

 Gopal Krishna Gokhale

 On which day of March 1930, the famous Dandi March launched by the Gandhiji?


 Who was given the slogan 'Do or die'?

Mahatma Gandhi

 Who killed Gandhi?

 Nathuram Godse

What is Mother Name’s of Mahatma Gandhi?


 Who was Wife of Mahatma Gandhi?


When did Mohandas Karam chand Gandhi die?

January 30, 1948

Why was important 9 January observed as?

 Pravashi Bharatiya Divas

 When did started weekly magazine harijan?


 Gandhi called subhsh chandra bose as…….?


 Who is considered as spiritual Teachers of Gandhiji?

 Leo Tolstoy

 Where was Gandhi’s third satyagrhaha in India?

 Kheda satyagrah in 1918.

 Which period was considered as Gandhi an Era”

 1915 to1948

 In which language wrote his Autobiography by Gandhi ji?


 Gandhi’s first Fast of his life?

 February 1913 (7 days)

 Gandhi’s first fast in India?

 1918 (03 Days) at Ahmedabad

 Gandhi and…….. issued the declaration of Independence on January 26, 1930?

Jawaharlal Nehru

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